My family, 2020
"What's Up?"
If you've ever met me face to face, those are probably the first words you'll hear. I'm B.R. Graves, most people call me Rayshawn; I'm a Pastor at a growing church in Richmond, Virginia.
I trusted in Jesus at the age of seven and I was baptized at the age of ten. From my college years to currently, I have a Bachelors of Arts in Christian Studies (MISD, 2012), and a Masters of Arts in Theological Studies (Liberty, 2014).
I am married to my wonderful wife, Dr.Tiffany Graves and together we have a son and daughter, Ezekiel and Ramiyah. I enjoy basketball, writing, and when I have a few extra dollars in my account, I'm a low-grade foodie.
For some time now, I've felt that my purpose in this life is to serve Jesus' church by preaching the gospel, encouraging the lost, equipping the His people, and exalting Him as the Savior.