But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. .. Who is sufficient for these things?


February 19, 2017

"Jesus and The Sabbath" (Luke 6:1-11)

Guest Preaching 


January 1, 2017

"Judges 10:6-18"

Redemption Hill Church - Judges


December 18, 2016

"Judges 9:1-57"

Redemption Hill Church - Judges


December 11, 2016

"A Strong, Sufficient, Satisfying Savior" (Isa 9:1-7)

Guest Preaching


October 23, 2016

"Explore God: Can I Know God Personally?"

Redemption Hill Church - Explore God


October 16, 2016

Explore God: Is the Bible Reliable?

Redemption Hill Church - Explore God


October 9, 2016

"Explore God: Is Jesus Really God?"

Redemption Hill Church - Explore God


August 14, 2016

"Wisdom for the Resurrected Life: James 5:1-6"

Redemption Hill Church - James: Wisdom for the Resurrected Life


May 8, 2016

"Wisdom for the Resurrected Life: Eccl 2:1-11"

Redemption Hill Church - James: Wisdom for the Resurrected Life


March 20, 2016

"The Death of Jesus" (Mark 15:33-41)

Guest Preaching 


March 13, 2016

"According to Mark: Mark 15:33-41"

Redemption Hill Church - According to Mark


January 31, 2016

"According to Mark: Mark 14:32-42"

Redemption Hill Church - According to Mark


January 22,2016

"According to Mark: Mark 14:27-31"

Redemption Hill Church - According to Mark


November 8, 2015

"According to Mark: Mark 12:28-34"

Redemption Hill Church - According to Mark


October 4, 2015

"According to Mark: Mark 11:12-26"

Redemption Hill Church - According to Mark


September 25, 2015

"According to Mark: Mark 11:1-11"

Redemption Hill Church - According to Mark


July 26, 2015

"According to Mark: Mark 9:2-13"

Redemption Hill Church - According to Mark


July 19, 2015

"According to Mark: Mark 8:31-9:1"

Redemption Hill Church - According to Mark


May 17, 2015

"According to Mark: Mark 6:30-44"

Redemption Hill Church - According to Mark


December 7, 2014

"Advent: He Has Come to Bring Life" (John 10:7-10)

Redemption Hill Church - Advent


November 9, 2014

"Nehemiah: Nehemiah 9:1-38"

Redemption Hill Church - Nehemiah


November 2, 2014

"Nehemiah: Nehemiah 9:1-38"

Redemption Hill Church - Nehemiah


august 17, 2014

"Ten Words of Grace: Exodus 20:1-17 - Do Not Bear False Witness"

Redemption Hill Church - Ten Words of Grace


july 6, 2014

"Ten Words of Grace: Exodus 20:1-17 - No Taking God's Name in Vain"

Redemption Hill Church - Ten Words of Grace


september 1, 2013

"The Drama of Redemption: Persevering (Hebrews)"

Redemption Hill Church - The Drama of Redemption

This sermon on "Persevering" from The Drama of Redemption was preached by Rayshawn Graves at Redemption Hill Church on Sunday, September 1, 2013.

march 3, 2013

"The Drama of Redemption: The Kingdom is Divided (1 Kings 11-14)"

Redemption Hill Church - The Drama of Redemption 

This sermon on "The Kingdom is Divided" from The Drama of Redemption was preached by Rayshawn Graves at Redemption Hill Church on Sunday, March 3, 2013.

february 17, 2013

"The Drama of Redemption: Solomon Begins Wisely (1 Kings 1)"

Redemption Hill Church - The Drama of Redemption

This sermon on "Solomon Begins Wisely" from The Drama of Redemption was preached by Rayshawn Graves at Redemption Hill Church on Sunday, February 17, 2013. Sermon Text: 1 Kings 1:1-22:53; Proverbs 1:1-31:31